Corporate social investments

At CTC we are committed to leveraging our global insights to drive community empowerment through unique Corporate Social Investment projects (CSI).

SADP SADP was designed to empower rural villagers living below the poverty line in Sri Lanka, based on the philosophy of ‘helping those who help themselves’.

Through CSI initiatives such as the Sustainable Agricultural Development Programme (SADP), launched in 2006 we continue to help sustain our country’s agricultural sector by imparting our extensive knowledge in agriculture and drawing from the global resources of our parent company.

The SADP programme includes:

Selecting families based on their commitment and capability to adopt and adapt to the technology and best practice transfers;

Creating a mind shift in the participants to believe in their ability to make a better life for themselves;

Empowering women and recognizing their significant role in each household; and Environmental protection.

Over the years, the scope of SADP has been expanded as a series of subprojects under one umbrella to meet emerging national priorities:

  • SADP Plus (2009) - On an invitation by the Government of Sri Lanka to the private sector, ‘SADP Plus’ was launched to assist in the post-war reconstruction process in the Eastern Province.
  • SADP Lite (2010) – This initiative was introduced at the request of the Ministry of Rehabilitation to assist 1,500 ex-LTTE combatants by imparting agriculture related vocational training to them.
  • SADP Mega (2011) – The project was initiated in Sooriyawewa to boost the know-how of agriculture entrepreneurs in the Southern Region.
  • SADP Ultra (2013) – The project was launched to introduce Leaf Farmers to better crop management techniques and to promote the growing of other field crops.

Through SADP we have enriched tens of thousands of lives across the country. The project has won the award for “Environmental Value Addition” among Sri Lanka’s ten Best Corporate Citizens, presented by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.
